Wednesday, June 10, 2009

This photo is AMAZING! I dont know who shot the image but it is from 1972 Vogue, isn't it awesome?

Friday, June 5, 2009

Im sure most of you have seen this image before, but i had to post the work of the great Diane Arbus, this was shot in 1969, one of my personal favorites, because of the amount of emotion in this one photo, its incredible. If you haven't watched the film YOU SHOULD!

This fantastic image was sent to me by a photographer by the name of BIWA, it was shot in 1984 (my birth year!) And i LOVE IT! These people just look so rad. Please check out BIWA's other works here

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Marlilyn is my first post

I have chosen an image of Marilyn Monroe as the first post on my new blog. Although i enjoy reading, and looking at photos of Marilyn Monroe I had never come across this image before, and I have to say its one of my fav's, this beautiful image was shot by Cornell Cappa.